About the Book
“GETTING TO KNOW JESUS is filled with lively and insightful commentary on the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life. Read this book. Take the journey, and make Christ the Lord and Sovereign of your life!”—Reverend Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
GETTING TO KNOW JESUS is a 365-day journey through the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that focuses on their accounts of Jesus’ life from birth to his death, resurrection and ascension.
Through daily Gospel passages arranged in a format familiar to devotional readers, you walk with Jesus through His life. Alongside each passage Eric Kampmann provides his own commentary to deepen the reader’s understanding in the context of the complete biblical narrative. A recurrent question for Eric is the question Jesus asked His disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” The result is a rich immersion in the life of Jesus through the prism of a man whose life has been transformed by his encounter with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Eric is a businessman, not a pastor. He is speaking from the perspective of the pew, not the pulpit — not as one who has spent his entire adult life seeking Jesus — but rather as someone who ran away from the Lord until, like the Prodigal Son, circumstances brought him to his knees.
In addition to the daily entries, the book includes an index that gathers entries under several topical subject headings ideal for group or individual Bible study.
Come and take a walk with Jesus. Walk with Him on the shores of Galilee. Listen as he gives His Sermon on the Mount on a windswept hillside. Follow Him as he climbs the dusty road to Jerusalem. Experience the fear and despair of the disciples as Jesus is taken prisoner. And finally, share the excitement when His followers learn that Jesus is alive. Get to know the Jesus they knew and say with the two men on the road to Emmaus: “Were not our hearts burning within us as He talked to us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us.” (Luke 24:32)
Getting to Know Jesus: An Invitation to Walk with the Lord Day by Day was inspired by the series of conversations between Eric Kampmann and Pastor Chuck Davis that are captured in the Getting to Know Jesus podcasts. You can subscribe and listen to those original conversations here.